Facilities in the Residential Sector
Why install the abora Hybrid in your residence

Reduction of the environmental impact
The solar hybrid panels use a renewable and clean energy. Like that, it is a sytem of producing heat and sanitary hot water specially environmentally friendly. We can install it in many types of buildings, houses or multi-housing.

Optimization of space
If your house have little space on the roof or on the floor, the installation of hybrid panels means un use more efficient of this space, if we compare them with the photovoltaic and thermal systems, because the solar hybrid panel produce more energy per m2.

Funding options
Consult the different funding options.

More savings
On average, les solar hybrid panels are plus efficient that the photovoltaiques et thermiques panels. Consenquently, for aan only surface, they offer a great performance, which contibute to improve the energy self-sufficiency of your house. sIn fact, in addition to produce heat, this kind of panels can produce too hot water during some months without need any additional boiler. This system allows to reduce l'use of others sources of energy and this reduce considerably the energy bill.

The panel made in Spain
We make our panel totally at our factory in Zaragoza

Solution two by one
The hybrid solar panel allows to produce electricity and sanitary hot water at the same time. Thanks to his efficiency, you can take advantage of solar radiation. Its hybris technologie allows to get the quadruple of energy that the photovoltaic panel in a minimum space.
Discover our installations
kgCO2/year avoided
kgCO2/year avoided
kgCO2/year avoided
kgCO2/year avoided
kgCO2/year avoided
kgCO2/year avoided
kgCO2/year avoided
kgCO2/year avoided
kgCO2/year avoided
kgCO2/year avoided