Our upcoming events

We participated and organized several events, an opportunity to discover more about abora and its hybrid technology.

Upcoming fairs

March 17th - 21st, 2025
Frankfurt, Germany
Stand: 12.0 E28
18 - 20 de noviembre 2025
Madrid, España

Next journeys

Barcelona, Spain
20th February
26th February
Jornada técnica
Exclusive conference with FEGICAT
PhD Alejandro del Amo
Pg. de Joan de Borbó, 93, Ciutat Vella, 08039 Barcelona
20th February
12h -15h

Abora Solar sponsors the Board of Directors and Assembly of FEGICAT where there will be the replacement of the current president, Jaume Alcaide. The event takes place at the Club Natació Barcelona facilities where the largest PVT solar park in Europe will be on display: 1001 Abora Solar hybrid solar panels installed in 2023.

Technical conference
Technical conference: Solutions for a more sustainable future
Jorge Roxo and Sofia Almeida
Centro Empresarial do Porto: R. Eng. Ferreira Dias 161, 4100-247 Porto, Portugal
26th February
09h30 - 14h00

KEYTER INTARCON, in partnership with Alfa Laval, Abora and Koolair, is pleased to organise a training day in Porto on the theme ‘Solutions for a more sustainable future’.

This event is aimed at professionals, engineers and specialists in the HVAC+R sector committed to the development of energy efficient and sustainable solutions. The day will cover the latest technologies, innovations and strategies to drive a more environmentally responsible future in the HVAC, refrigeration and renewable energy sectors.


8:45-9:00 Reception of participants
9:00-9:30 Fgas compliant sustainable cooling solutions Carlos Quero – Sales Area Manager INTARCON
9:30-10:00 From NZEB to ZEB: Directive (EU) 2024/1275 Jose Arboledas – Knowledge Manager KEYTER
Tiago Martins – International Area Coordinator Portugal KEYTER
10:00-10:30 Hybrid solar panel ‘PVT’ combined with heat pump and its applications Sofia Almeida – Business Manager ABORA
Jorge Roxo – Engineering Manager and Partner ABORA
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-11:30 The importance of waste heat recovery Paulo Cardoso – Sales Engineer Industrial Refrigeration and Heat Pumps ALFA LAVAL
11:30-12:00 The importance of diffusion and acoustics in the performance and comfort of air conditioning systems Ricardo Fernandes – Country Manager KOOLAIR
12:30-13:00 Questions and discussion
13:00-14:00 Lunch – Networking

Our product catalogue 2024

Catalogue of our hybrid solar panel

Descarbonizar su edificio de manera eficiente y rentable, nunca ha sido tan fácil