Discover the future of solar energy

Reading time: 9 min

At its annual forum, World Economic announced that “by 2030, solar energy could become the most important energy source for electricity and heat production in much of the world.” So, while solar energy remains marginal in the global energy mix, we are forced to note that it is growing exponentially and worldwide. Indeed, solar energy seems to be the great energy of the future due to its many advantages: renewable, inexhaustible, universal and accessible to all.

Solar energy, the energy of the future

Solar energy has a remarkable and undeniable characteristic: it is inexhaustible, universal and accessible to everyone. This diffuse and universal feature ensures it a very special place in the new energy uses of tomorrow.

The growth of solar energy in the world is driven not only by the industrial sector, which has a high demand for electricity and hot water, but also by individual or community use. In emerging countries, where energy infrastructure is lacking, it offers simple and autonomous solutions to the most isolated inhabitants. In industrialized countries, it is presented to individuals as a complementary source of energy, a source of savings, and even a source of income when transmitted to power grids.

If we look at the use made of the different solar photovoltaic, thermal and hybrid technologies, we can see that solar energy offers a very complete solution to most people. However, we must be careful to avoid generalizations. First, let’s look at solar thermal panels. The capture of the sun’s rays by the thermal sensors of the panel is the most immediate use of solar energy. By converting solar radiation into heat, thermal collectors can supply domestic hot water and heating to individual and collective buildings. The reduction in the cost of photovoltaic panels has led to an increasing number of individual and collective uses. By capturing sunlight and transforming it into electricity, photovoltaic panels are integrated or installed on the roofs of houses, collective buildings and agricultural facilities. The energy produced is either used for self-consumption or fed back into the grid. Hybrid solar panels meet both electrical and thermal demand.

Looking back at the energy market20 years ago, we see that the global solar market was extremely limited and depended mostly on subsidies and the few policies of the time. At present, solar energy is growing considerably, and the interest of the global market is increasing. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), by 2021 more than 130 gigawatts (GW) of new solar capacity will have been installed worldwide – data confirming its exponential growth. For the World Economic Forum, this rapid growth in solar energy can only accelerate as costs continue to fall and there are technological advances in the efficiency of panels and even in the storage of the electricity produced occur, and it expects solar energy to become the most important energy source for both households and industry by 2030.

In the past decade, the price of solar power has dropped dramatically, by more than 85% since 2010, according to the International Energy Agency. And new technologies still promise to increase the efficiency of solar panels and reduce their costs, such as aHTech®’s hybrid solar technology, which offers higher efficiency (89%) and combines it with the best profitability on the market. According to the World Economic Forum, the price of solar panels could drop by 40% to 50% in ten years, with a much higher return on investment than other renewables. In fact, improvements and innovations in solar technology are essential to the growing political interest in the solar sector. Abora Solar is aware of this and, therefore, strives to offer the most efficient and profitable energy solution for everyone, which allows it to meet the 2030 objectives set by the European Union: this is the response given by its hybrid solar panel with aHTech® technology.

Solar energy: a response to the challenge of decarbonisation and the climate issue.

At present, the share of solar energy or even the share of renewables in the energy mix is still low compared to fossil fuels.  However, the growing share of renewable energies is undeniable and is explained, in particular, by the collective awareness of common action to fight the climate challenge, but also by political positions such as the implementation of the 2030 Agenda by the European Union in favour of the use of renewable energies. Among renewable energies, solar energy is very promising due to its numerous advantages and the response it offers to the climate challenge.

“Year after year, we set consecutive records in the renewable energy sector. In fact, renewable energy has made fantastic progress. They outperform all other fuels in terms of growth and competitiveness. (…) But progress in the electricity sector is only a small part of the equation. Not changing the entire energy system is to be blind to reality,” warns Rana Adib, Executive Director of REN21.

In fact, to think of energy only in terms of electricity is to forget an important part of what constitutes total energy demand. According to the report The State of the World’s Renewables in 2020, prepared jointly by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21), heat represents more than 50% of the total energy we consume in the world,  three times more than electricity.

Currently, most of the use of renewable energy is in the electricity sector, where it continues to grow rapidly. One of the main reasons for the low penetration of renewables in thermal end-uses is the lack of supportive policies in these sectors.

Therefore, it is necessary for decarbonisation plans to develop sustainable and zero-emission renewable heat production systems and electricity production systems. According to the same report: PV boost masks major lag in heating, cooling and transport sectors. It would be short-sighted to celebrate the progress of the PV sector without acknowledging the alarming low and slow uptake of renewables in the heating, cooling and transport sectors. The use of electricity, for example for lighting, household appliances and industrial equipment, only accounts for 17% of the world’s final energy demand, while heating, cooling and transport account for up to 83% of the energy we consume. The share of renewables in heating and cooling is low (10.1%) and hardly increasing, although this sector represents more than half of total energy demand.

If we want to achieve a global energy transition, to meet the ambitious 2050 targets set by COP21, we need to produce energy from renewable sources, but more specifically we need to bring together 3 key attributes. Firstly, we need an efficient system: we need a system that can generate renewable energy and convert it, as efficiently as possible, into useful energy ready for consumption. But also, a system that is scalable on a large scale, i.e. practical and simple to implement in the manufacturing, installation and end-use process: with global energy consumption so widespread around the world for different uses, we need a system that, regardless of location, type of consumption or even the financial means available, can be easily implemented and provide power directly. Therefore, it is not only necessary to increase the percentage of different renewable energies for centralized electricity generation, but also to decentralise generation and produce where it is consumed. In this way we avoid losses of electrical distribution, and we can also produce heat for self-consumption. Finally, we need a profitable system: this means that we must not only produce more energy, but we must do so at the lowest possible cost. So we need a renewable energy system that is efficient, scalable, and profitable.

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The future is therefore in the hands of solar technology

The future is therefore in the hands of solar technology, but we will see that not all of them give the same response. Let’s start with photovoltaic technology: we know that it is a solar technology that, thanks to the photovoltaic cells that make it up, absorbs solar energy and converts it into electricity, and only electricity. However, as we mentioned earlier, talking only about electricity for energy and decarbonization is not a sufficient response, as it only addresses 17% of the problem. In addition, it is a double blow for photovoltaics with global warming. In fact, solar energy production by photovoltaics will be affected by global warming, as the performance of its cells decreases with heat, as indicated by the MIT report on the performance of photovoltaics in the face of rising temperatures. If we now move on to the solar thermal panel, the response offered is also only partial, as it only produces hot water. To have a complete response, you will need to invest in a solution that includes photovoltaic and thermal panels, while the available installation area is usually not enough to accommodate both technologies and therefore produce the energy corresponding to your consumption.

Finally, hybrid solar panels combine the production of both types of solar energy – solar heat and solar electricity – in a single collector, resulting in a higher yield per area. This is especially important if the available roof area is limited, but the concept of integrated solar energy is necessary to achieve climate-neutral energy production for consumers, such as in residential and commercial buildings.

El panel solar híbrido es una combinación ganadora:

Panel solar híbrido aH72SK

In conclusion, the hybrid solar panel is a winning combination: a mix of two solar panels in 1 that offers the best profitability on the market and the best performance compared to its competitors, 89% efficiency to be exact, and produces 100% renewable electrical and thermal energy. It is the solar energy solution. Today, the world is facing an energy challenge, and we are not meeting half of it by focusing solely on electrical energy. Hybrid solar panels offer a complete response to this challenge: by investing in this technology, you are betting on the future.

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Do you know that…

Did you know that Spain is home to one of the largest solar thermal power plants in the world? The Gemasolar power plant, located in Andalusia, can generate electricity even after sunset thanks to its heat storage system. It uses molten salts to retain heat captured during the day, allowing for 24-hour electricity generation. This type of innovation places Spain at the forefront of solar technology and contributes to a more sustainable energy future.

abora, what is it?

Abora Solar, a Spanish manufacturer of hybrid solar panels, is an innovative and visionary company in the field of renewable energies, more specifically in the solar energy sector. Founded in 2017, the Spanish manufacturer has quickly positioned itself as a major player in the development of sustainable and high-performance solar solutions.

At the heart of Abora Solar’s identity is a global approach to solar energy, offering the latest generation hybrid solar panel with the highest performance on the market, while providing a vision that encompasses the entire process, from design to manufacturing, including the monitoring of installations. This allows the company to offer its customers turnkey solutions for projects in industrial, tertiary and residential buildings.

In short, Abora Solar embodies the future of solar energy, combining technological innovation with a deep commitment to the environment, accessibility and the improvement of society. The company is a major player in the energy transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

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