Monitoring Specifications

Logo aHMonitor


Product Type

Hybrid solar monitor, real-time tracking system for the thermal and electrical energy production of hybrid solar panels.

Supply Voltage

5 VDC (Screw Terminal or Micro USB Input)

Internet Connection Type


Integrated Connection Type

RS485 Interface (Screw Terminal)

Dimensions (mm)

Schemes ahmonitor

Hybrid installation data collection capabilities

Collects electrical production variables by communicating with PV inverters (Modbus RTU-RS485/Modbus TCP) and thermal production variables by communicating with thermal controllers (Modbus RTU-RS485)

Compatibility with inverters via ModBus RTU (RS 485)

Fronius, Huawei, Solax, Salicru inverters

Compatibility with inverters via ModBus TCP (Local IP)

Fronius, Huawei, SMA, Solar Edge, Kostas Plenticore inverters

Compatibility with solar thermal controllers (RS485 Adapter)

Resol SL, Resol SLT, Resol BX, Resol BX Plus, Resol MX

Need for additional equipment for thermal measurement

It requires the addition of a Resol V40 flow meter and a GDS (Resol) pressure sensor.

Data Output

Hybrid solar monitoring platform Inview

Economic investment analysis capability

Daily, monthly, and annual electrical and thermal production, analysis of savings achieved, and emissions avoided

Electrical production analysis capability

DC and AC production conditions, inverter performance, production by MPPT, power factor…

Thermal production analysis capability

Thermal production conditions, panel temperatures, tank temperatures, temperature difference in the heat exchanger, flow rate, and pressure

Alerts and error visualization

Inverter and solar controller fault diagnosis by error codes, notification for network loss or communication failure between devices

Possibility to export data

Possibility to download CSV files for analysis in Excel

Download the aHMonitor app

La aplicación aHMonitor puede utilizarse en combinación con una instalación de de paneles solares híbrido de Abora Solar con conexión a Internet. Puede solicitarlo a su instalador. Aquí puede descargar la aplicación aHMonitor:


Which inverters are compatible with the AhMonitor?
The inverters of huawei, fronius, kostal and sma are compatible with the ahmonitor, in case of having a different investor (as some projects have already been carried out) its implementation can be studied.
What to do if an error message appears in my monitoring?
You can contact the technical department of abora through this email:, Monday to Thursday 08h-17h and Friday from 08h to 14h
What is the AhMonitor?
It is the monitor developed by abora that allows recording and displaying the thermal and electrical energy produced by the installation of hybrid solar panels. This device collects and processes information from the solar installation, where the probes and sensors are located and allows this information to be consulted by the user in real time from any device (smartphone, tablet, computer) and/or platform (ios, android, web browser) the main advantage offered by the ahmonitor is that it is the only device designed specifically for hybrid panels that allows to visualize in a unified way the electrical and thermal savings achieved. And these savings are shown from three points of view: energy, economic and emissions avoided by the installation.

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